For me, I define quotes as words of striking lines that has a big impact to me. From the word "Striking", I mean it as it really strikes here in my mind and in my heart and it dwells there. As I watch movies, read books,attending worship services in our church. I can't help myself but to jot it down on my notes. It really helps especially when you're asked to share opinion or try to motivate others. And even sometimes when a professor shared something unique in the class, like something that's not familiar, I jot it down also. Well I'm not lucky if I got it wrong spelled. I take those as a wisdom that must be kept.
Well because there are really lots of quotes I really loved. I can't really decide which one is my number one favorite. But just to share some of it, here are some striking quotes for me.
"Sometimes weaknesses, diseases, and calamities;
Help and remind us that we are helpless in the mighty hands of God"
by EFS (Eliseo Fernando Soriano)
I heard this personally from him on a live worship service. He's somewhere in a far far country but he always preside in the midst of the congregation weekly via satelite, people in different places can see and hear him clearly. This line strikes here in my heart because personally I do have weaknesses in this life that leads me to commit shortcomings in front of the people, of God; commit sin to my fellowmen and to God. And I have also relatives and love ones who has disease and affected by calamities. At first glance, we may think that, Isn't true that the God Almighty can remove all those things? It's not impossible with his power for you to be perfect, for him not allow the people to be inflicted by diseases and affected by the calamities. But why is it so that he allows all of these to happen and made us see all this by our naked eyes? That is because it help and remind us people that by that, we must accept that we are helpless in front of Him. We must realized that there is God that we need. Because without him who could only save us in all those things, what will be our end? Isn't because of his mercy , that's why we're here? Because sadly to say they are people who don't even recognize Him and respect Him. In fact they only remember to say His name when calamities and diseases only comes. So I believe that it is His way for people to realized who is He in our lives.
"I'd rather lose everything than to lose my God"
by DSR (Daniel Soriano Razon)
I heard this to him personally. And I witnessed how true he was when he uttered this line. This line I wish I could prove also in front of the Lord that I could do. It's hard to say unless you really do something that's worth for you to say this. Mr.Razon had experienced religious discrimination from the very last big station he worked with as a news anchor. That station told him that he can stay working in that station in one condition, he'll never talk and show his self on a religious program that he belongs even in the midst of the congregation itself is not allowed. Razon is already a veteran in news and current affairs industry. He worked hard on it to be on that position. But without a second thought, on that very moment when the big boss of the said station talked to him, he answered this to him and left the station.
This strikes to me because when he explained further as he talk in our midst, that was one of the greatest thing happened to him; when he lose his career. Its like you're saying "I'm not a thief, and I will never be" ; because there is nothing to be taken. but its different when there is for example a 10 million pesos cash you saw, and there is no one in there instead of you, but you know that, that money is not yours! What will you do? Just like that. There are given moments in each of us to prove ourselves who we really our aside from what we were saying in front of people.
Many people talk and talk but they're not walking there talk. There are people who gives inspirational message but no work you will see.
Oh I remember a quote said, "To say is one thing but proving is another thing" by ... I don't remember I'm hearing this ever since I was a child and it just resounds in my mind... :)
So I guess this is only for now.. thanks for reading ! :)
These are good quotes to live by. Thanks for sharing them. ;)